Digital imaging technology and its relation to the development of professional practice:

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism Lecturer, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University


The current study focuses on studying the developments that have emerged in the field of photography and modern digital technologies in this field and their relationship to the development of professional practice among a sample of photojournalists in Egyptian newspapers (national, partisan and independent), and their repercussions on the performance of the job tasks assigned to them and their effects on their daily practices and their relationships with others, whether the workers inside the institution or those who deal with them from outside the press organization, and how do they employ these technologies to improve their work?. The results related to the training courses for photographers in the Egyptian newspapers indicate that 71.7% of the sample members have taken training courses in their field of work, and 84.9% indicated that their obtaining training courses has contributed to the development of their professional practice to a high degree, as indicated by 74.4. % of the respondents who stated that the most important areas of the training courses they received were the occupational safety of photographers in dangerous places.
