The relationship between young university students' exposure to talk shows in satellite channels and their attitudes towards terrorist organizations:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Radio and Television at the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - South Valley University


The problem of the study lies in the "attempt to monitor the role that talk shows play in shaping the knowledge and attitudes of university students towards terrorist organizations. " The research results indicate a set of indicators, the most important of which are:
1- The results of the study indicated that 91% of respondents watch talk shows on satellite channels, while only 9% stated that they do not watch them.
2- The results of the study revealed that the most important talk shows that the respondents are keen to watch on satellite channels is the (ten in the evening) program, at a rate of 50%.
3- 20.3% of the respondents believe that the level of credibility in the discussion programs' treatment of the issue of terrorist organizations is high, while 75.3% believe that the level of credibility in treatment is moderate, while only 4.4% think that it has no credibility.
4- 60.1% believe that talk shows contribute to providing respondents with information about terrorist organizations in an average manner, while 25.3% think that talk shows contribute significantly, and finally 14.6% believe that talk shows contribute weekly. 
