The Jordanian youth's relationship with the religious content of the social networking sites and their attitudes towards it:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor at Sana'a and Yarmouk Universities


This study aimed to identify the relationship of Jordanian youth with religious content on social networking sites and their trends towards them, as well as knowing the impact of demographic variables accordingly, and this problem has been addressed in light of the Third-Person Effect theory. The survey method was used and it was applied upon purposive sample of (386) respondents and researchers from Jordanian university students who use social media sites  that contain religious contents, and the study came up with the following results: The increase in the percentage of Jordanian university students always using social media, at a rate of (74.6%) of the total respondents, followed by occasional use at a rate of (15.3%), and then rarely using (15.3%). The high percentage of the degree of preference and exposure of Jordanian university youth to the religious content regarding the doctrines of the Sunnis on social media sites, at a rate of (61.7%) of the total respondents, and this can be explained in light of the prevailing doctrines that Muslims adhere to in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan represented in the doctrines of the Sunnis, followed by the preference for exposure to religious content over other religions by (85.5%), and this can be attributed in light of the presence of the respondents who embrace the Christian religion, as well as being considered a second religion at the level of the Kingdom. 
