Uses of Egyptian youth to applications of interaction in modern technologies and its impact on family relations:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Radio and Television, College of Media - Modern University for Technology and Information.


The problem of this study investigates the motives to use modern communication technologies among the Egyptian youth, especially smart and digital phones, and their effects on their relationships with the family in terms of strengthening or disintegrating family bonds. The researcher concludes from the results of her current study the high impact of modern technology, with its rapidly successive developments, on young people in their relationships with others, especially their families, as the lack of strength of family ties, and the lack of intimate dialogue between family members, as communication is sometimes via smart phones, which leads to a chill of relationships which opened the door to patterns of virtual communication that replaced the actual dialogue and lack of conversation between members of the same family, which contributed to widening the gap and perpetuating the conflict between the two generations of parents and children, in addition to using modern vocabulary related to their use of modern media in their dialogue with their families.
