Creating creative ideas in integrated marketing communications and factors affecting their effectiveness

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication- Cairo University


One of the most important elements of creativity within integrated marketing communications is the focus on the needs, conditions and lifestyle of the target audience. One of the most prominent foundations on which creative work within the marketing communications industry is built has been to formulate the problem, define the purpose of the communications accurately, and collect and analyse relevant information. With regard to the competencies responsible for innovation within the marketing communications industry, the most prominent features of the creator in the field of marketing communications, as well as the nature of roles, specializations and stages of the innovation process, have been monitored. the results of the study indicated that the marketing communications industry in Egypt is not less developed than its counterparts in other developed countries, given the clear understanding of the creativity process, the features and characteristics of the core idea of ​​integrated marketing communications, as well as the inputs for generating those ideas. 
