The treatment of social networking sites for Saudi family problems and public attitudes towards them

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts - Mansoura University.


Where the research problem is determined in dealing with social networks of family problems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through describing and analyzing the Saudi public's vision of these networks, the most important of which are the following:
Emphasis on national constants, and the adoption of science as a basic pillar for upholding the status of society and non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, origin, or social or economic level.
The requirements of honesty, honesty and honor in what is presented, and in a manner that does not violate the rights of others and violates their freedoms.
Neutrality / objectivity in what is presented, by presenting the different points of view on the topic being raised.
Not to publish, display or participate in the calls that are racist, intolerant, or that involve insulting and ridiculing the family, or calling for hatred to it or any of its members.
Ensure accuracy in what is published and presented, by documenting the information that is presented, with mentioning the source, whenever that is available.
The complete display of information related to Saudi family problems without cutting or distorting the service of any purpose.
