Yemeni & Emirati University youth relationship with Facebook site:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor - College of Mass Communication - Yarmouk University.


This study aimed to knowing the relationship between the Yemeni and Emirati university youths' use of Facebook and the psychological and social effects they have and it was applied to a sample of (200) researchers and researchers from Yemeni and Emirati university youth who used social networking sites.
The main results:
-The high rate of participation of Yemeni and Emirati university youth (the study sample) on Facebook, where the percentage of participation for more than six months reached (81
-The increase in the source of friends and acquaintances through personal contact in the first order by (52.5%), as the most important sources of knowledge of Yemeni and Emirati university youth (study sample) on Facebook, followed by the source of friends via electronic communication by sending an invitation to subscribe to the site by (32.5)
-The high preference for Yemeni and Emirati university youth (the study sample) to use Facebook in isolation from others, as it came in first place by (81%)
The motivation for communicating with others among the respondents in the first order increased by a percentage weight (86%)
- The presence of positive trends towards the awareness of Yemeni and Emirati university youth of the psychological effects that occur to them as a result of their use of Facebook, as many of the tabular expressions reached high percentages that bear a positive trend when they use the Facebook website.
