Egyptian public perceptions of the limits of social responsibility and political accountability in the crisis "media leaks" Arab Electronic Newspapers:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


The current study was reviewed through three main axes: The first axis presented the theoretical framework of the study and dealt with the phenomenon of media leaks; What they are, their characteristics, their sources, and their implications in the context of being an emerging media form that is currently classified in the framework of the fourth and fifth generation wars. The second axis, which presented the methodological procedures of the study, while the third axis presented the results of the general study and the results of hypothesis tests.
-The results of the study showed the emergence and power of new media (social networking sites, YouTube videos), and achieving a tremendous head start.
- That the leaks, whatever their justifications, motives and level of credibility, are an incentive for governments to reconsider their policies.
 - The majority of the study sample saw that the purpose of these leaks is mainly to influence public opinion trends towards various government policies.
 -The majority of the study sample agreed that the media did not violate its responsibilities towards society when they raised this type of information
