Stereotyping in animation films and its impact on children's perceptions

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at the College of Media - University of Baghdad


The study problem is framed by the fact that cartoon Barbie promotes other cultures that may not be compatible with the cultural system prevailing in our societies and promotes ideas and ways of life through its entertainment content that encourages consumerism and creates desires for children to acquire products inspired by Barbie and creates needs that are difficult for them to satisfy
Main results:
-There is a clear effect of "Barbie" animation films on the perceptions of the children who follow her, as it presents them with a world full of exciting scenes, beautiful nature, broad imagination, and lovely symbols that make them follow its contents and seek to represent it in their understanding of reality and their perception of it.
-Barbie's films contained very many ideas and meanings that reinforced different stereotypes, whether they were of people, roles, ideas, customs, traditions, relationships and ways of life, and thus they represent a ready source for impersonation and simulation that in stills in those who are exposed to many stereotypes of social reality.
It became clear that children's perceptions of Barbie's contents were more clear when it came to perceptive scenes in the realities of daily life compared to fictional scenes
-The children were dazzled by the personality of Barbie, as they considered her a model for the distinguished modern girl. 
