The impact of mobile communication on the political participation of young people in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Lecture at Benha university , faculty of arts , department of journalism


Political communication through mobile media represents a form of non-traditional political practice, and a type of alternative political participation that young people have turned to and therefore discussion of political reality is an important factor in the positive impact on the level of political participation.
Main results:
-Social networks ranked second in the list of electronic media that Egyptian youth are keen to follow with (23.3%), while electronic newspapers ranked second with (20.8%) of the total media in terms of the degree of follow-up and importance of Egyptian youth.
-Egyptian youth have been interested in following mobile news to a great extent, as the weighted average value occurred between the value (3.40 to 4.19), which explains the high rate of use of mobile media in following the news of current events and their developments.
-Contact and interaction with friends and the political elite, benefiting from their vision of events, and forming an opinion on various political issues were at the forefront of the reasons for young people seeing mobile media as a tool for political participation, with an equal rate of (15.9%). Then, possessing the necessary skills to browse the news via mobile (15%).
-The social networking applications, the most important of which (Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus) came first among the mobile media outlets that have the most influence on the political participation of Egyptian youth by (21.9%), then the applications of news websites (Al Youm Al Sabea, Al Watan, Al Masry Al Youm, Al Arabiya, etc.) BBC Arabic) came in second with (15%).
