Effectiveness of an educational program in the development of media literacy skills for parents:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor at King Abdul-Aziz university – Jeddah


Parents need to acquire media literacy skills as they can teach their children how to know, select and modify the media content, and this study investigate the shortage in the parents knowledge of media literacy and not sharing their children what they are exposed to in electronic media trying to put a view to a future program of how parents could know more about media literacy skills
The results:
Majority of parents share the traditional media content exposure with their children more than the electronic ones
Children use electronic media mostly in playing games
Parents leave their children to entertain with the electronic media more than using them in learning
Parents realized the important role of sharing their children what they exposed to in electronic media more than their brothers
Parents firstly banned their children from watching the programs of avatars but after the media literacy program they tend to discuss more with their children
The most effective way parents knew from the media literacy program is to discuss the negative side of media with their children and not giving orders only.
