Press designer in the Egyptian press: A survey of the characteristics and the working environment:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University.


The main question of this study is to know the professional characteristics of the press designer and the different factors that affect his performance in the entire work environment and what is the role of the press designer according to gate keeper theory.
The main results were:
-        Most of the press designers are males as this profession need  staying too late in the press organizations
-        Most of the sample are having the academic background  and the layout talent
-        Most of the sample agreed on the importance of teaching the designers the scientific basis of the designing and layout and not depending on the talents only.
-        Most of the sample received training programs in layout and design
-        Most of the sample participated in putting the work plan with the chief editor
-        Besides training the press designers need to enhance their skills with all the new and recent trends in their fields and to read more scientific books and attending conferences and exhibitions.
-        Most of the sample follow the moderate school in layout  then the conservative school and the least number follow the public one
-        Most of the sample practices the functional layout then the aesthetic layout which is more convenient to the periodicals that are not published on daily basis.
