The image of the Syrian war in the News sites of the states of conflict management

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts - Menoufia University


The research problem is to identify and analyze the features of the media picture of the Syrian war and the parties to the conflict in the Arabic-language news sites of the conflict management countries (CNN Arabic-American website, Russia Today website (RT) - Russian)
The most important findings of this study are as follows:
1- The Syrian war issues receive a great degree of attention on the American Arabic CNN and Russia Today website.
2- The nature of the topics and events that the signatories focus on differs in their coverage of the Syrian war, as CNN focuses on the humanitarian situation, and the Syrian regime's practice of all violations of the right of the Syrian people, while Russia today focuses on combating terrorism and providing humanitarian aid.
3-Fighting terrorism is the main cause of the war in Syria, according to Russia Today's coverage, while the Syrian regime is the main reason for this war on CNN. While the coverage of Russia Today offers negotiations and a peaceful solution as a basis for ending the Syrian war, CNN's positions change between considering negotiations a solution to the issue or military intervention to bring down the Assad regime, and that is according to the nature of the issue at hand.
