Social Networking as a platform for Community Conflict in Egypt:

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Researcher, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


The effect of the societal context appears in that the attachment of conflict issues to the problems of the daily life of citizens is the most important factor in the intensification of the conflict.
The effects of using Facebook on societal conflicts refer to the idea of ​​its users escaping from reality, whether the reality represented by these conflicts or the personal reality, that is, escaping from and escaping from them, as 45.6% of the respondents avoid following these conflicts and ignore their existence, while helping These conflicts account for (27.2%) of the respondents in escaping from their own problems to public problems and issues.
The social networking site "Facebook" has all aspects of media wealth, according to the theory of media wealth, which prompted its users to prefer it over traditional media in relation to the issues and topics in conflict, especially the interactivity and the richness of information and ideas, in addition to the personal focus or interest and its inclusion in the most important Factors affecting societal conflicts, all of this helped in the transformation of "Facebook" into an arena of conflict and in increasing its intensity.
 The societal context data shaped the phenomenon of conflicts on "Facebook" with its many dimensions, including defining the areas of conflict, its objectives, causes, determinants of its issues, factors affecting it and its effects. The nature of these conflicts and their objectives determined the dynamics of the communication process and its objectives, in a way that led to the limitation and definition of the role of "Facebook" in Expressing opinions and venting anger.
