The Role of Satellite news channels in fueling the sectarian conflict in Iraq from the point of view of University Professors.

Document Type : Original Article


Head of the Media Department - College of Arts - Anbar University


The problem of this research resides in a basic question represented by the role that satellite news channels have played in the phenomenon of sectarian violence in Iraq from the viewpoint of university professors.
The results are:
. The Arab satellite news channels obtaining the first ranks confirms that these channels give the Iraqi issue a great deal of attention and that those channels are distinguished by the immediate transmission of events and their high capabilities in covering events and following their developments.
.The existence of a role for satellite news channels in exacerbating the phenomenon of sectarian violence from the Iraqi university professors ’point of view, confirms the absence of social responsibility for the work of these channels and indicates that some of those channels may have suspicious agendas and plans that push towards destabilizing the security of Iraq and the Arab region by provoking sectarian and sectarian violence.
.The focus of satellite news channels towards hosting figures known for their sectarian fanaticism in search of excitement, which has contributed greatly to the exacerbation of sectarian violence
