Framing of the news coverage of the Arab issues in Egyptian Satellite Channels.

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor of Radio and Television at the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - Beni Suef University


The study problem can be summarized in:
Analyzing and monitoring the news frameworks employed by the satellite channels under study in their handling of prominent issues in Arab affairs, and studying how the editorial policy patterns of each of these channels are reflected in their news treatment.
The study found:
- Nile News Channel took care of presenting Arab issues in various short news, while cbc extra channel presented extensive reports on Arab issues
- Both channels under study have relied on the editor in their production of news, which explains the inability of the Egyptian satellite channels to provide correspondents for them with different types of ownership.
- The Egyptian satellite channels relied on the responsible Arab sources in obtaining the news, which shows the availability of credibility in their coverage of Arab issues.
- The most important frameworks on which the channels under study relied were: conflict, accountability, political tendency, discussing the causes of the issue, providing solutions, humanitarian concerns, in addition to some other frameworks such as protest, highlighting negatives, and economic consequences.
