The audience's trends for media image for the Upper Egyptian community in the Egyptian Drama.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Sohag University.


The study aimed to identify the media image of the Upper Egypt community as it appears in the drama, by monitoring and analyzing the views of a sample of southern Upper Egypt audiences (Souhag, Qena, Aswan)
Main results
1-     Drama makers' interest in shaping the media message for Upper Egypt society and working to highlight it through the deliberate repetition of certain patterns of socially undesirable behaviors.
2-     The drama used "storytelling" in a way that convinced the viewer that these events were realistic.
3-     The study showed the seriousness of the role played by the drama, as it provides the viewer with a series of impressions and images about places and people that he cannot reach through direct contact, and this is what the people of Upper Egypt feel when they move outside the region, whether inside or outside Egypt, you find someone who deals with them looks as if he is on his back I know a lot about them, and this is through the intensity of their watching the drama of Upper Egypt.
