The approach of news channels sites to the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam crisis

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Communication and Media Sciences, Faculty of Arts - Ain Shams University.


This study seeks to try to reach an integrated view about the news performance of the official websites of the Arabic-speaking TV news channels through a sample of those channels that included (CNN Channel / Russia Today / France 24) whose countries represent different political trends, and that is through integration Quantitative and qualitative analyzes of the news content submitted to it regarding the Renaissance Dam crisis over the period from the beginning of 2013 to June 2016
Main results: The sites of the three channels shared the use of the same media frameworks and techniques in varying degrees in dealing with the crisis, but they differed in the method of treatment.
As Russia's position today tends to support Egypt with caution resulting from the difficulty in predicting the developments of the crisis, and despite his vision of the crisis focused on the fact that "the Nile is the main artery of life in Egypt in all its fields."
"CNN" has dealt with the crisis in a different way, depending on the US position on Egypt. However, the news coverage of it has tended to integrate between the apparent and implicit content of the discussion, which appears in the inclusion of the crisis news of the internal affairs in Egypt, and an attempt to paint a negative image that is not Directly to Egypt
