The extent of the audience's preference to watch Arab TV news channels and using their official websites:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Media, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University


The study seeks to monitor the two cases of traditional television viewing through the television set screen and the use of official websites for three distinct television news channels, which are "BBC Arabic", "Sky News Arabia" and "Al Arabiya" by answering the questions of the study that try to identify the rate of television viewing and the use of websites, as well as identify the prevailing patterns for both television viewing and the use of websites and try to monitor the motives of preferring television viewing and preferring to use websites. The study also seeks to identify the most used methods of participation and interaction in both cases, the limits of use, the capabilities available on television channel’s websites and the extent of satisfaction or dissatisfaction achieved by both the viewer of the TV channels and the user of their websites.
