Jordanian journalists' interests in public issues on their personal pages on Facebook

Document Type : Original Article


1 Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication - Yarmouk University

2 Associate Professor at the Faculty of Mass Communication - Yarmouk University.

3 PhD Researcher in the Faculty of Mass Communication - Yarmouk University.

4 PhD Researcher in the Faculty of Mass Communication - Yarmouk University


This study aimed to know the extent of interest and seriousness of Jordanian journalists in engaging with public issues of interest to Jordan and the region, and the extent to which their followers on Facebook involve these developments and issues that contribute to shaping public opinion about what is covered in the media. Since this study belongs to the type of descriptive and analytical studies, the content analysis method was used to analyze (90) personal Facebook accounts of Jordanian journalists registered with the Jordanian Journalists Syndicate, using an available sample during the month of January (2017).
