The role of social networking sites in creating political awareness about the vision of Saudi Arabia 2030:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Media, King Khalid Military College.


This study revealed the distinction of the new media between the websites specialized in presenting the Vision 2030 and the employment of social networking sites in announcing the vision in order to achieve the spread and reach of all Saudi citizens who mainly use Facebook and Twitter, which is considered normal in light of what the Arab region has witnessed. From a political movement, social media was the main influencing factor in the occurrence of this situation, and it is evident from the answers of the study sample that its reliance on new media in collecting information about Vision 2030 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in a parallel context with its exposure to traditional media has also been found. New media has also shown to be influential in forming political awareness among experts and citizens about the goals of Vision 2030 and its implementation stages, and that the greatest impact of media coverage of the vision is in the knowledge aspect.
