The impact of free flow of information through social networking sites on the self-image of Egyptian youth and their perceptions about their political and social reality:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


The current study examined by monitoring, describing and interpreting the Egyptian youth’s vision of the effect of the free flow of information through social networking sites on their perception of their political and social reality, through a field study conducted on a sample of 300 individuals. This was done in order to:
1- Identify the rate of use of the study sample on social networking sites.
2- Disclosure of the reasons for using social networking sites.
3- Determine the nature of contents and issues discussed on social media.
4- Know the amount of freedom available to users of social networking sites when discussing important issues.
5- Determine the role that social media play in the Egyptian youth's understanding of their political and social issues.
