Attitudes of social networking users towards the pages of electronic newspapers via Facebook

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Media, Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University.


The problem of the current study is determined in: revealing readers ’attitudes towards the second level, which is the pages of electronic newspapers through social networks (Facebook) in terms of the extent to which the benefits and services of social networks are used in providing information to followers, ease of access to newspapers, the multiplicity of options available on the page, the interaction with users, and their confidence in the information, especially since the continuous publication and the pursuit of a press scoop may affect the published content and its accuracy.
The importance of this study stems from:
a. The importance of the pages of electronic newspapers on Facebook, which attracted large numbers of users to follow them, and became a major news source that is difficult to dispense with.
B. The need for more studies that concern the same user and measure their trends towards an important media outlet.
C. Combining quantitative tools (questionnaire) and qualitative (qualitative content analysis).
D. Its quest to verify the hypotheses of media richness theory.
