Motives and gratifications of the use of the UAE university students for smart phones:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Emirates College of Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE.


Recent studies indicate that mobile technology is one of the fastest growing digital media, as it is among the most popular devices, even among low-income households. It is clear that smart phones will continue to develop due to the efforts made to continuously develop to become smaller, lighter, and more useful and easy to use. In addition to that, new media and traditional media such as newspapers, radio and television are also available on smart phones over the Internet, which means that this emerging technology allows the continuous use of traditional and new media in any place and time.
This study was dealt with from a uses and gratifications perspective, being the theory appropriate for such type of studies and considering that the field of new media and modern technologies, including smart phones and tablets, and other means need research and in-depth study of the methods of their use and the media characteristics that they provide to the masses that satisfy their needs and motives.
