The Impact of Exposure to Visual Content on social networking sites on the attitudes of Egyptian youth towards Government Efficacy

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor, Mass communication College, Ajman University.


The study aims at identifying the role played by visual content of the images and videos, which address government performance on social networking sites, and the role this visual content plays in influencing Egyptian youth attitudes towards the efficacy of the Egyptian government. This, in addition to measuring the credibility of this visual content and the extent of interactivity of Egyptian youth with it. The study was based on the hierarchy of effects model. The sample of the study was 400 individuals from the Egyptian youth. The study found that 94% of the study sample is interested in following this visual content. The results of the study indicate that there is some dissemination of this content through ‘tagging’ friends and contact on these social networking sites on these posts, indicating some level of agreement with this content and its effect on their perception of the efficacy of the Egyptian government. In this context, 54% of the visual content resulted in a negative perception regarding the Egyptian government’s efficacy, while 74% thought that the Egyptian government’s efficacy was ‘moderate’. The results also prove that the exposure to this visual content had an effect on the recollection of current events as well as the study sample’s perception of the efficacy of the Egyptian government, as the exposed considered the government more effective as compared to the non-exposed, which indicates the positive effect of this visual content. This phenomena also reflects a change in the pattern of this following-up of news and visual content, as the study sample preferred seeking ‘official’ pages relating to the Egyptian government, as compared to ‘unofficial’ ones, in consuming content relating to the efficacy of the Egyptian government.
