The Effect of Using Infographic in Teaching on the Academic Achievement of Computer Course:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Department of Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Menoufia University


The study seeks to answer the following main question:
Does the application of using infographic in teaching have an impact on the academic achievement levels of the “Indesign” program &“Movie Maker” program of the computer course in for third year media education students? This is answered through a semi-experimental design with a sample of 48 junior university students. Main findings indicate that the application of the use of the Infographic in teaching has a clear and strong impact on the levels of educational attainment and cognitive three (understanding and perception, memory and information analysis) for students of educational information third year. The strength of the Infographic effect in teaching was calculated at the three levels of scholastic and cognitive achievement (At the level of understanding and perception, the force of effect (93.7%), at the recall level, the effect strength was (82.4%), at the level of analysis of the data, the impact strength was (85.4%). While the effect of the application of the use of the Infographic in the teaching on the levels of educational attainment and knowledge as a whole was (90.1%).
