The effectiveness of a program based on integrated e-learning in the development of knowledge and skills of photojournalism for media students

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Menoufia University.


Considering the importance of photojournalism and developing teaching methods in media studies based on technological innovations in learning, this study seeks to provide a curriculum outline that contributes to education development. Therefore, the researcher finds that there is an important and practical scientific necessity to conduct this study for improving the skills of photojournalism students.
The study research problem highlights the absence and weakness of using educational technology in teaching the photojournalism course to students majoring in journalism at many Egyptian and Arab universities. Hence, the study problem can be tackled through this main question: What is the effectiveness of using integrated e-learning programs in developing the knowledge and skills of photojournalism among a sample of media students at the University of Jazan in Saudi Arabia?
