The mechanisms of social network users to check for fake news:

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University.


The research problem is represented in examining the role of social network users in uncovering false news on social networks and the techniques that they use to confront them. The study is also concerned with identifying how the user verifies the news in light of the Audience Acts of Authentication (A3s) model.
The study aims to determine the role that users of social networks play in confronting fake news and to examine the relationship between the ability to detect fake news and the presence of digital literacy skills among users as the main gateway to media awareness among the public. Hence, a set of sub-objectives emerge from this main goal, the most prominent of which are:
- To determine how the respondents evaluate social networks as a news tool.
- To identify the sources that the respondents rely on to obtain news.

- To measure digital literacy skills in its three dimensions (content access, analysis, and evaluation, content production) among users 
