Using new media to spread the concept of media education among university youth

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Media, College of Social Sciences - Umm Al-Qura University.


The research problem of the study is discussing the role of the new media in spreading the concept of media literacy among Saudi university students. Meanwhile, the aim of the study is to identify the extent to which the new media has dealt with the concept of media literacy.
The study used the survey method covering a sample of 200 Saudi students from “Umm Al-Qura University” in the Holy City of Makkah and “University of Jeddah” in the City of Jeddah. Moreover, one of the most important results of the study was the rating of the importance of new media in spreading the culture of media literacy. It was rated as "very important" for different sentences including the following:
- Strengthening the importance and value of media education through new media.
- Developing the capacity for intellectual openness to the other.
- Achieving complementarity between media institutions and educational institutions.
Also, the study found that there were statistically significant differences between the averages of university students' scores on the total media literacy scale due to the intensity of their exposure to new media with high and medium exposure intensity.
