Motives for students of the Departments of the English Language at Baghdad University to the English-language satellite channels and the gratifications received:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, College of Media - University of Baghdad


The problem of this research is summarized in identifying the motives behind the exposure of the English language departments students to English-language satellite channels and the gratifications achieved from this exposure. The study applies the uses and gratifications theory, seeking to achieve three main goals. The first goal is concerned with measuring the uses of students in the English language departments of the English-speaking satellite channels. Secondly, identifying the motives behind their exposure to those channels, as well as monitoring the gratifications resulting from it.
The researcher used the questionnaire tool to conduct a field study on a random sample of (240) students of the English language departments of the Faculties of Languages, Arts and Education at the University of Baghdad.

The main results of the research showed that female students are more interested than males in English satellite channels. Moreover, the lack of enough time is the most prominent reason for other students’ lack of exposure to English satellite.
