Frameworks of the Renaissance Dam issue representation in the Egyptian, Sudanese and Ethiopian press during 2018

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


The research problem stems from the impact of the country's position on the Renaissance Dam issue in the press in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan. Also, it analyses the framing techniques used by newspapers from different countries. The study sample explain the reasons for newspapers’ specific adoption of the issue and the chosen placement. Moreover, the researcher aims to answer the following main question: How did the Egyptian, Ethiopian, and Sudanese newspapers frame the issue of the Renaissance Dam?
The research importance:
The factors driving the rise of the issue under study revolves mainly around a change in the surrounding environment. Nevertheless, the changes in the internal environment of regional factors related to the issue of the Renaissance Dam came at the foreground in the Egyptian comprehensive strategy. The country tried negotiating the issue towards the common ground by increasing diplomatic and political talks during the year 2018.

Also, the fact that it deals with the country's most pressing water issues which is on top of the agenda of the Egyptian state at all levels, whether it is at the level of the head of the authority, or at the level of the street man. 
