Factors affecting the evaluation of the new media:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Media at Ahlia University - Kingdom of Bahrain


The study sought to identify the attitudes of the academic and media personnel towards the use of interactive media in social media applications, by applying it to a sample of 250 individuals. The sample was divided equally between both academic and media segments. In addition, the researcher used the questionnaire tool to obtain information about the study.
The main results of the study:
- WhatsApp led the programs that the sample preferred to use by 91.60%, followed by Skype with 62.00%.
- The extent of the academic and media personnel use of social media platforms are described by “Sometimes” with 48.40%.

- The absence of a statistically significant correlation relationship between: “the motives” and “used social media tools” of the academic and media personnel use of social media programs and “their evaluation of media richness.”
