Saudi TV tourism programs handling of domestic tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at the College of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University


The researcher conducted an exploratory study of the tourism programs offered by the Saudi channel, as well as studying the goals of Vision 2030 for the tourism sector and the vision of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage.
The research most important results were:
- Recognizing Vision 2030 interest in the tourism sector as one of the important alternatives to oil, and one of the main pillars of the Saudi economy in its post-oil plan.
- The “Modon Wa Shawate’” program “Translating: Cities and Beaches Program” was leading the tourism-related programs on the channel and followed by the “Sabah El Saudia” program “Translating: Saudi Morning Program.”

From here, the researcher's opinion settled on the Cities and Beaches program as a representative sample of the tourism programs in the Saudi Channels. Accordingly, the research problem can be tackled through the following main question: How did the “Cities and Beaches” program tackle the domestic tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and what is its content direction in line with the objectives of the General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage? (Which in turn implements the goals of Vision 2030 in stages)
