A Futuristic Vision for Teaching Educational Media Courses Remotely at Faculties of Specific Education

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Information, Faculty of Specific Education - Menofia University.


The research problem of this study is formed to monitor Arab and foreign studies that dealt with decisions related to remotely based educational media, analysing theoretical frameworks, and research methods and data collection tools used in those studies. Additionally, this paper reviews and analyses the most important results of those previous studies with a critical analysis approach to reach a futuristic vision through which Arab research and studies can be developed. Moreover, it also can provide insights for teaching educational media courses remotely in the faculties of Specific Education.
The importance of the research was represented in:
1) Shedding light on remote media studies, which contributes to the formation of a more comprehensive view of this role worldwide.
2) Deducing shortcomings in Arab studies by comparing them with their foreign counterparts, which helps to develop a futuristic vision for teaching educational media courses remotely.
3) Understanding theoretical and applied trends in media studies, as well as identifying the methods and research tools used.

4) Enabling researchers to identify recent trends in the research horizon of teaching educational media courses remotely while highlighting areas of research interest that have been focused on. 
