Critical analysis of research related to media and political function for news television channels during the second decade of the twenty-first century

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Mass Communication - Beni Suef University


Given the important role that political communication plays in political life in any country worldwide, political communication research is still one of the most important research areas in media studies, whether at the Arab or global level.
Thus, this study is part of the research of the two main approaches from which most media research starts (theories of the media effects and the functional role of media). It can also be part of the modern trend that links between the career approach and the media influence approach, using the results of functional research to study the media effects.

The research problem is defined in monitoring Arab and foreign studies that are concerned with the media and political functions of television news channels, within the framework of the functional approach to media and the roles that television channels play. Moreover, the study focuses mainly on previous research papers conducted in two areas; the first is related to media function studies. The second area is concerned with studying the political function of television news channels. It includes studies and research papers that tackled the role of these channels in the process of political upbringing, participation, political awareness, ... and others.
