The relationship between university students’ usage of social media and the perceived social support:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Media, and Public Relations - Nahda University in Beni Suef (NUB)


The last decade of the twentieth century witnessed the occurrence of three overlapping revolutions: (the technology revolution, the information revolution, the democracy revolution). Additionally, the communication revolution was an inevitable product of these three revolutions.
The researcher noticed, through keeping up with the current events on social media, that there is a large social media presence among the Egyptian university students with the degree of interaction varying between a participant, follower, and a publisher. The shift from just being a passive recipient of news to a media personnel in the making, who can publish the news and express their opinions freely, we now call “citizen media.”

Moreover, this observation was validated by the results of previous studies, as most studies indicated that more than 98% of university students use social networking sites. The research problem has been measured by conducting a survey with its main results confirming that 98.7% of the sample use social media. Additionally, the perceived level of social support among the sample was remarkably high. The problem of this study can be formulated to answer the following question: What is the relationship between university students’ use of social media and the social support they perceive?
