Saudi public uses and gratifications of the data press "infographic" published in electronic newspapers:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media, College of Social Sciences - Umm Al-Qura University.


The study aims to investigate the motives behind the Saudi public's use of "infographic" data journalism in Saudi electronic newspapers and the gratifications achieved from them by identifying the electronic journalistic forms that members of the public prefer to follow and the method of interaction with them, and its relationship with the demographic characteristics of members of the public. The study employed the theory of uses and gratifications and used survey methodology and the questionnaire as a tool on a sample of 200 individuals of the Saudi public.
The most important results were:
-        The motives of respondents' use of electronic media are multiple. The electronic journalistic forms that the respondents prefer to follow in the infographic are different in terms of presentation. It comes in the forefront of "news and news analysis" by (42%), then "pictures and graphs" by (36%), followed by "information designs" by (32%), and in the last place comes "press dialogue" (21%).).
