Students' Perception of Social Media Privacy in UAE:

Document Type : Original Article


Postgraduate student College of Communication at the University of Sharjah, UAE


This study aimed to assess the social media privacy perception of
students in the University of Sharjah (UOS). This study used a
quantitative method. 146 students voluntarily completed an online
survey in english. The findings revealed two major results: A figure of
91% of students were active on social media platforms, with Snapchat
and Instagram being the most popular choices. However, it was
concerning that 92% of these studentsdo not fully comprehend and do
not read the terms and conditions of these platforms, pointing out a
gap in awareness and digital literacy. Students expressed concerns
about privacy breaches, with identity theft ranking as the top worry.
The United Arab Emirates' (UAE) stringent legal framework imposing
imprisonment and fines for cybercrimes was seen as a defensive
factor. It is suggested by this study that increasing digital literacy
among students is an important aspect to take into consideration, and
that education in this area is imperative.
