Professional elites evaluate the effectiveness of video news broadcasts on Egyptian newspaper websites to enhance the public’s understanding of the content

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in the Department of Media, Faculty of Arts - Aswan University


This study seeks to know the professional media elites’ assessment of the effectiveness of video news bulletins on Egyptian newspaper websites to enhance the public’s understanding of the content, through an analytical and field study, in order to study the role played by video news bulletins on Egyptian newspaper websites in influencing the success of these sites in presenting the content to various audiences. Segments of audience followers. This study is based on a theoretical framework represented by the theory of media richness. The study monitored the variation in the interest of video news broadcasts in the media topics covered by the websites of the study newspapers, between international, political, economic, and sports news, and education and health news. The study revealed an evaluation Professional media elites looked at the effectiveness of video news bulletins on Egyptian newspaper websites to enhance the public’s understanding of the content. “Video news bulletins are effective in publishing a number of news of interest to the public in a short and quick time,” and “Video news bulletins help the public understand the content from By employing a number of multimedia during one bulletin, “video news bulletins need to be developed in light of the development of news image making techniques,” and “the effectiveness of video news bulletins depends on the receiving audience in terms of its education, culture, and interpretive references.”
