Ethics of advertising in Egyptian children's channels :

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Information - Al-Azhar University

2 Lecturer in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Information, Cairo University


The study aimed to monitor and analyze advertisements for Egyptian children’s channels, to identify the nature of ideas contained in these advertisements, the nature of the values they carry, and the creative strategies and appeals they use, in addition to knowing the audience they target, and everything related to their formal appearance, The study also aimed to reveal their negative practices and ethical transgressions. It relied on the survey approach. By using content analysis tool to analyze television advertisements presented on three channels: (Battot, Cookies, and Nemo) during the July 2023 session (from July 1 to the end of September) during the afternoon period, starting from one o’clock in the afternoon until five  o’clock in the evening Cairo time. The number of advertisements reached (192), after deleting duplicate advertisements. The study concluded several results, the most important of which are:

The time space for advertisements in the sample of Egyptian children's channels was 37.5%, compared to 62.5% for the programming material.
The researchers observed many negative behaviors reflected in the advertisements of the Egyptian children’s channels under study. Grooming came at the top of these negative behaviors, followed by liberation, then decadence, then materialism, then bullying.
The researchers monitored many ethical transgressions in the advertisements presented on the Egyptian children’s channels under study, amounting to 1010 ethical transgressions, the first of which were the ethical transgressions related to the product, followed by the ethical transgressions related to the appearance of women in the advertisements.

