Exposure to dramatic content via digital platforms and its reflection on the value and behavioral patterns among a sample of Egyptian youth :

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Media and Communication Arts in 6th of October


Recently, digital drama channels have appeared that are broadcast through the Internet, as they are free open channels or paid encrypted channels and are characterized by many privileges with the aim of attracting the audience of different categories to them and presenting them.
Content with great freedom and boldness, high production quality, and renewed features and offers, and in light of the spread of these digital television platforms, whether Arab or foreign, and the intense competition between them.
And the extent of public demand for it. The current study aimed to reveal the extent of exposure to dramatic content presented via digital platforms and monitor the reflection of its values, ideas, and...
Innovative and alien social behaviours. We investigated the extent to which Egyptian youth are exposed to dramatic content presented through these digital platforms and revealed the reasons for their preference for it and the impact of this exposure on them and on their ideas and trends.
Their social values and behaviors. The researcher used the survey method and questionnaire tool to collect data from a random sample of 245 individuals, ranging in age from 18 to 50 years old, from various governorates of the Arab Republic of Egypt, from Cairo, Giza, Port Said, Suez, and from Upper Egypt, BeniSuef, Minya
It became clear from the results that the majority of the sample is exposed to dramatic content via digital platforms, sometimes according to the circumstances, and not always at a high percentage, as the percentage of exposure to digital drama platforms, according to the circumstances, is the highest percentage for the research sample, 54.9%, which indicates that this percentage indicates that the sample is not very keen on exposure to drama platforms. This is an indication that the Egyptian youth, represented by the sample under study, are keen to perform their practical, scientific and life tasks first, then exposure to digital dramatic content comes according to the circumstances if there is time for that, and this indicates that there is dedication to responsibilities and work and the period comes.
Entertainment is in last order It was also stated that the arithmetic averages for the most prominent social repercussions resulting from exposure to digital drama platforms, such as the phrase (the content presented through digital drama platforms agrees with social values and behaviors and moral teachings) came in last order, and from this we conclude that a small number of the sample agrees with the values and behaviors presented through digital drama. Across the platforms, which indicates the presence of ideas and behaviors in the dramatic content presented through these digital platforms that are not compatible with Arab society and do not agree with the framework of societal values and customs. The largest number of the sample does not agree with these values, customs and behaviors and believes that they contradict Arab customs, traditions and customs.
And Egyptian in particular The phrases (honesty, justice, rejection of bullying, respect for others, respect for the family, and family ties) came in the highest degrees, and this indicates the presence of these ideas and behaviors in young people to similar degrees, as young people adhere to positive social values that have..
