How Israel employs digital media in its public diplomacy targeting Arabs:-

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher and specialist in digital media, Faculty of Information, Al-Quds Open University, Ramallah, Palestine

2 Assistant Professor in Digital Media, Faculty of Information, Birzeit University, Ramallah - Palestine


   The Israeli digital media pages that are overspread on social media, and which are employed to target the Arab public  This study aims at discussing how of employing digital media in service of Israeli public diplomacy towards Arab public. The study has extracted style, strategies, and types of media connotations, ideas concepts and terms that are employed to affect and define the attitudes to create public opinion. The study explains how Israel introduces itself to Arab audience in an attempt to create a new fake mental image to achieve a rapprochement with the Arabs.
   The study has concluded that, the Israeli Ministry of foreign affairs has founded many channels on social media pages to address the Arab people by their own language.  Accordingly, it has employed the basics of the soft diplomacy to achieve the goals of foreign policies at the top of which is encouraging normalization, to be predominant in the Arab World. It has targeted many topics and interactive media outlets in addition to promoting such policies in addition to emotional and mental manipulation and forming attitudes to tackle its goals. At the same time, these pages have worked on promoting Israel in different fields in a way that does not mirror reality to beautify Israel’s image based on its foreign policies. Finally, these pages have worked under a well-designed mechanism to empower concepts, terms with specific symbols, meanings and negative connotations in the Arab mentality to serve normalization.
