Using artificial intelligence applications to combat of fake news through digital media

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - Suez University


The current research sought to investigate the role of applying artificial intelligence, through the spread of new digital news through the media, through application to artificial intelligence experts working in media coverage organizations (50) research, and it reached a high degree of interest in the technical study in following up on the employment Applications of artificial intelligence in the fake news industry, News organizations rely on artificial intelligence applications to produce news content, but at the same time they are used to a weak extent in confronting the phenomenon of the spread of fake news through digital media. The results indicated a low degree of credibility of news produced by artificial intelligence applications, and the study monitored the most important reasons and challenges for the spread of fake news. Confronting fake news through digital media comes at the forefront of the misuse of digital technology by professionals and users, and that developing countries face a problem in technical culture that hinders reliance on it primarily in confronting the spread of fake news through digital media.
