The Egyptian elite's vision of the role of religious discourse through the digital platforms of official religious institutions in light of societal transformations

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism teacher, “Journalistic Art Technology,” Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Damietta University


The study aimed to reveal the Egyptian elite's vision of the role of religious discourse through the digital platforms of official religious institutions in light of societal transformations, by adopting the survey method, and by applying an electronic questionnaire form on a sample of the Egyptian elite (academic, media and religious) to monitor how these institutions used digital platforms in their Presenting a moderate religious discourse that keeps pace with social and technological developments. The most prominent results were that the Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Institution and the Egyptian Dar Al-Iftaa topped the list of digital platforms most followed by respondents from the Egyptian elite. The respondents also indicated the importance of increasing the religious dose provided through the digital platforms of religious institutions. And the diversity of methods of presenting it as one of the most important mechanisms for strengthening religious discourse.
