The effect of employing modern digital technologies on the quality of the news message through the Egyptian television news channels:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - Misr University of Science and Technology


  Technological developments in the field of communications and media production techniques in their digital phase, including the richness of media and new capabilities, led to the emergence of new means of communication loaded with all the advantages of modern digital technology, and accordingly this led to the emergence of two types of media that did not exist before, and these two forms are: Traditional electronically converted, or electronic copies of traditional media, in addition to electronic media that takes various forms and media through which digital broadcasts are received, such as viewing on a computer screen connected to the Internet, on a laptop screen, or on a mobile phone screen.
Hence, the problem of the study was identified in how the audience of media experts and academics evaluated the impact of employing modern digital technologies on the quality of the news message through the Egyptian TV news channels, whether in terms of form or content in addressing Egyptian societal issues, i.e. determining the impact of the modern communication environment in shaping the channels’ editorial policy. The Egyptian news channel, which gives an indication of the reality of technology and its integration into Egyptian television news organizations.
The study population consists of the Egyptian public specialized in the manufacture and innovation of the television news message and its employment of modern digital technologies, and due to the large size of the study community, a deliberate sample of 400 individuals was drawn from the specialized Egyptian audience for those over 18 years of age from various economic, social, political and other levels.
         Regarding the application of the theory of the richness of the media outlet on the subject of the study, the researcher sought to monitor the evaluation of the audience of experts and academics specialized in the media issue of digital technologies, including the elements they add to the television news message in terms of providing rich information in transmitting texts and images to the Egyptian audience, which has an impact on raising the general public's awareness of the targeted messages. Accordingly, its impact on its social interactions and behaviors with those around it. In this regard, experts and specialists in the technical, technological and digital aspects were targeted and its impact on raising the efficiency of the work of television institutions in the news industry.
      Thus, the results of the study revealed the use of modern communication technologies in the news industry in a variety of ways in the Egyptian news channels, which indicates the institutional interest in television channels in general to develop the level of the news media message in form and content, and that satellite news channels use websites to achieve more spread. For its news, it was followed by its pages on social networking sites to achieve more access to the public and inform them of its newsletters, then applications on smart phones to achieve news dissemination.
