The communicator trends towards cross-media use in viewing investigative reports in Egyptian news websites and their reflections on press content quality:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University


      The study aimed at finding how far methods and modern technologies adopt journalism in Egyptian news websites. In addition, it aimed at monitoring the reasons of not using cross-media technique in viewing investigative reporting largely in Egyptian press websites, and the difference between viewing investigative reporting traditionally or in cross- media technique. Besides, it aimed at how far artificial intelligence can be employed to develop multimedia, especially cross-media technique. The current study depended on qualitative analysis tool of investigative reporting content that published in cross-media technique on study sample websites as well as in-depth interviews with Egyptian news websites communicator that has experiences in producing investigative reporting using cross-media technique and these websites are ( Alwatan- Aldostor). The study found several results. The most important results among them are:
-The study emphasized on the importance of adopting digital technological methods in journalism as the current trend in all press organizations is towards digital journalism that requires using this technique. In addition, cross-media is one of the mechanisms that help journalists accomplish their duties quickly in less time. 
-The respondents explained that the reasons of not using this technique largely in Egyptian press websites is as a result of not qualifying journalists to use it. The main challenge that faces media organizations in digital transformation and modern technologies employment is the unavailability of qualified human resources to deal with these techniques as well as not acquiring them in a lot of websites. In addition, some respondents explained the reason that this is due to the decrease in the investigative reporting production itself
-The most important advantages of using cross-media technique in viewing investigative reporting was that it’s the best method in viewing investigative reporting in terms of artistic form, and the most attractive for digital audience as it fits its features.
-The study found that the most significant negatives of using cross-media technique from the communicators’ point of view are websites slow loading, so this leads to audience boredom. In addition, the journalist gives attention to technical problems instead of his main role.
