AI ethics in the digital journalistic environment:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of electronic journalism, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Assiut University


The study deals with monitoring and analysis of available models of guidance and ethical controls on artificial intelligence, especially Arabic ones and trying to determine how accurate and inclusive they are, and appropriate to regulate the use of artificial intelligence systems in the digital press environment in addition to making use of it in trying to create a list of ethical controls to regulate the use of artificial intelligence in journalistic work, Based on its analytical survey approach, as part of the analysis and study of guidelines and controls that seek to regulate the ethics of AI technologies, Documentary analysis aimed at examining them, their filter and knowing their accuracy and suitability for the digital press environment and the use of comparison to differentiate between available models of such guidance and ethical controls, Distinction and comparison in terms of pros and cons, features, features, details and items.
The study concluded that the guidelines, principles and ethical controls developed by many international and regional bodies and organizations focus on a number of professional values and ethical foundations that in themselves represent the essence of the ethics and ethics of media and journalistic work, although they did not, however, directly address how to regulate and ethically regulate AI systems at the journalistic level.
