Using images of celebrities using deep fake technology in YouTube ads and the significance of these images

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology, South Valley University


In the few years, artificial content has become more realistic and credible with the naked eye, and deep fakes are one of these emerging technologies that allow the creation of realistic and believable artificial content. In advertisements and creating content that attracts the forum, the study relied on the semantic analysis of the advertisements, and the sample was intentional for the ads that relied on deep falsification, and the research relied on the theory of information manipulation, and the study concluded that the snapshots that explained the form of deep falsification in advertisements came in the form only in all the study sample, and the degree of falsification came The deep falsification in the advertisements is different, as the total counterfeiting came in the Adidas advertisement. As for the partial counterfeiting, it came in the perfume advertisement and the credit reward advertisement. As for the elements used in the deep falsification in the advertisements, they are pictures, characters, human voices, movements and expressions used, and they were all used in the Adidas advertisement. Credit reward the deep falsification technique was applied in the voices of the advertising heroes. As for the deep falsification method, it came directly in the Adidas advertisement through the appearance of the player’s personality on the field in more than one picture of him, and the credit reward advertisement through the appearance of the names of the advertisement heroes with names other than their real names, but the perfume advertisement It came in a different way.
