The role of school media activities in developing the skills of the fourth industrial revolution among students of the second cycle of basic education with special needs (proposed scenarios)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Menoufia University.


Study Objective: The current study aims to design a number of scenarios for the role of school media activities in enabling students of the second cycle of basic education with special needs to acquire the skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and to reveal the expected role of school media activities in enabling students of the second cycle of basic education to People with special needs from the skills of the fourth industrial revolution.
Study type: This study belongs to the descriptive and prospective studies.
Methodology: The study relies mainly on the foresight approach and the survey method.
Study Tools: The study relied mainly on the following tools:
1)The questionnaire form: which was prepared in the light of the research problem and its objectives to reveal the role of school media activities in developing the skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution among students of the second cycle of basic education with special needs. The researcher applied the questionnaire sheet to a sample of academics from Egyptian university professors in the field of Educational media and people with special needs and in the technological field, and those who have experience in the field, and the study sample was (300) single.
2)Scenarios: The expected scenarios were written for the future of school media activities in developing the skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution among students of the second cycle of basic education with special needs, with an explanation of the features of the path that could lead to this future situation.
The most important results: Giving the opportunity for all students with special needs to practice media activities of all kinds" came at the forefront of the expected roles of school media activities to develop the skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution among students with special needs in the second cycle of basic education. While one of the most important challenges facing school media activities in developing the skills of the fourth industrial revolution among students of the second cycle of basic education with special needs was "the lack of sufficient material capabilities to develop school media activities to keep pace with the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution." Preparing a strategic plan for school media activities in preparatory schools to develop the skills of the fourth industrial revolution for students with special needs was one of the most important requirements for school media activities to develop the skills of the fourth industrial revolution among students of the second cycle of basic education with special needs. The study also adopted the optimistic scenario because it is the best scenario through which the role of school media activities in developing the skills of the fourth industrial revolution among students with special needs can be realized because of the structural changes it presents in the methods of education and the practice of school media activities.
