Training needs to develop the professional capabilities of educational media specialists To working with mild disabilities students who are Inclusion in general education schools

Document Type : Original Article


 Lecturer in the Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Damietta University.


The study aimed to identify Training needs to develop the professional capabilities of educational media specialists To working with mild disabilities students who are Inclusion in general education schools. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method, and the study included a sample of (120) individuals from the educational media specialists in the schools of my departments (Al-Zarqa - Al-Saro) in the Directorate of Education in Damietta. The study found a set of results, the most important of which are: The arrangement of the training needs necessary to develop the professional capabilities of the educational media specialist to deal with the students integrated in public education schools came as follows: In the first place (cognitive needs) with an arithmetic average of (2.71) and a percentage of (90.33%) ) While the skill needs came in the second place with an arithmetic average of (2.60) and a percentage of (86.67%), while the moral and ethical needs came in the last rank with an arithmetic mean close to (2.59) and percentage of (86.33%). A proposed conception of a training program that contributes to satisfying the training needs of educational media specialists working with integrated students with mild disabilities in general education schools was also reached.
